
横浜珠算振興会理事長のそろばん塾 宝明塾

Develop Children's ability!

Soroban houmei-jyuku [Japanese Abacus School. Since 1948]


We have taught abacus to nearly 7000 students over 62 years in Yokohama city located near the Tokyo. What's abacus? What's good about learning abacus?
To get better information on "abacus", please watch this video first.

What is Soroban -japanese style-

Japanese Soroban School

Interview -About SOROBAN- Homeijyuku What soroban enables you to

Each movies are just a sample. Outcome will be different with each students.

Abacus is a Japanese traditional calculator, with which you can calculate addition,subtraction, multiplication and division quickly.
There are two good things through learning abacus.
One is to enable you to do a quick mental calculation and the other is to enhance braindevelopment.

To be able to do a quick mental calculation

As you see in the video, you can do a quick mental calculation after the practicing abacus because you learn "Abacus- based mental calculation" at the same time.
It's a method that you use imaginary abacus in your mind and calculate.
The person in the video is using this skill.
In other words, if you don't learn abacus you'll never learn this either.
You actually touch imaginary abacus in your mind and calculate just like you have a real abacus in your hands. We call this technique "Anzan(mental calculation in Japanese)"

Good for the brain development

Let me talk about human brain a little. It's said that in the human brain the left and right sides have different functions.
It's believed that the right hemisphere is used as recognizing images, graphics, music and facial expressions. It mainly controls total visual information and intuitive feelings.
On the other hand, the left hemisphere controls logical thinking, language, conversation,concept, calculation, recognizing sounds.
According to the interpretation above, you're using your left hemisphere to do the calculation.
However we use right hemisphere to learn "Abacus-based mental calculation" in our school.
We have imaginary abacus beads in our mind and move them to calculate just like we use a real abacus.

We image an abacus in our back of the right hemisphere.
It's easier for younger children to have this image.
The more you learn "Abacus-based mental calculation" the more you use your right hemisphere and that's how it's good for the brain development.
Isn' t it amazing that you can use your right hemisphere for the calculation ONLY when you learn Anzan-Abacus-Based mental calculation?


The best age to start abacus is under ten years old. Adults cannot learn as well as children.
Thus, learning abacus help your brain develop and train your calculation ability and concentration.
It's not easy and it all depends on individual effort to master it.
We think in Japan you need at least 3 years to reach such level as to be able to use the mental calculation skill in your actual life. Anyone can get the skill as long as they do the best.
Our goal is to increase the number of people who use this skill all over the world.


We cooperate with Osman Mert Gurguc to spread the Japanese-style abacus in Turkey for the Children's educational development.

Turkey Tenshi Jyuku
We cooperate with Osman Mert Gurguc to spread the Japanese-style Soroban
in Turkey for the Children's educational development.

Romania Nomin Jyuku
official representative of Houmei Juyku in Romania since April 2016.
Ms. Nomin Damdin is the owner, manager and the trainer of Nomin Jyuku.

Ukraine Sakura Jyuku
Sakura Jyuku is official representative of Houmei Juyku in Ukraine since 2019.
Ms. Inna Aloshkina and Mr. Vitalii Aloshkin are the owners, manager and the trainers of Sakura Jyuku.

Albania and Kosovo Mema Jyuku
Mema Jyuku and it's owner, manager and trainer Ms. Valbona Mema Pandul is official representative of Houmei Juyku in Albania and Kosovo since 2020


Kazuto Inoue
April 3, 1982
I have studied abacus 3 times in a week from7 to 15 years old.
It's been 15 years since I quit learning it but still I have skill of the mental calculation as you see in the movie below.
When I was 18, I won the championship of the mental calculation in Yokohama city.
Our goal is support children to have a lifelong skill and have a self- confidence.

Hayato Inoue
August 18, 1984
I have studied abacus 3 times in a week from7 to 15 years old.

Contact us
We speak English a little.

Handmade traditional SOROBAN

This is the Kamedake-Soroban associating with us.
They are a traditional abacus manufacturer making Hand-Made abacus over 90years.
Japanese banks were preferential to use their abacus before the widespread use of PCs or electronic calculators.
As each one is made by hand, their products are not mass-produced.

This is not our commercial.

We would like you to use your brain just a short period of time with these tools. Please enjoy!


You can watch our different videos from here.

with this video you can see our school.

Contact us
We speak English a little.

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